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Calvary Food Shelf
We aim to reduce hunger by providing those in need with access to a variety of healthy food options. As the needs of our Minneapolis neighbors have evolved, so have we.
For over 40 years, Calvary Food Shelf has been supporting our neighbors in South Minneapolis and beyond.
We've helped thousands of families put fresh, healthy food on their tables and we do it with care.
Need Food?
Calvary Food Shelf provides fresh food and pantry items to families in the Twin Cities area. If you have been to the food shelf before, contact us for an appointment. We currently aren’t accepting new customers, but you can reach out for emergency food.
Calvary Food Shelf proporciona alimentos frescos y artículos de despensa a familias en el área de Twin Cities. Actualmente no estamos aceptando nuevos clientes, pero puedes comunicarte con nosotros para obtener alimentos de emergencia.
¿Necesita Comida?
Support Our Work
Calvary Food Shelf relies on people like you to keep our program running. As food insecurity rises in Minnesota, our need for your support does too.
We couldn’t operate without our amazing volunteers. Join us once, on occasion, or regularly for a volunteer shift.
Donating funds is the most effective way to help support our neighbors. $20 alone allows us to provide 50+ pounds of food to a family.
From food drives to fundraising, there are a variety of ways to support Calvary Food Shelf. Contact us to learn more.